External Partnerships


Collaborative Partnerships For A More Joyful Tomorrow

Welcome to the Healing Headbands Project® Partnerships page, where lives are transformed and our impact is measured in smiles. Our message inspires healing through creativity with YOU! Like-hearted organizations and individuals looking to spread universal joy through creativity, laughter, and art.


Collaborating with hospitals offers opportunity to share our projects healing process with warmth and positivity. Our customized Laugh Create Heal workshops, carry the message of resilience and with our headbands and wristbands, children and families find peace and joy, turning their hospital experience into a journey of courage and creativity.

In return, hospitals that partner with us recognizes the importance of staying positive. By integrating art and positivity, they contribute to a nurturing environment that fosters emotional well-being alongside physical recovery.

Together, let’s shine a light of inspiration, reminding patients that they're not alone in their journey towards better health.


The power of unity is at the heart of our collaborations with fellow nonprofits. By coming together, we amplify the impact of our shared mission: to spread joy and healing. Through our partnership, the message of positivity resonates even stronger, as we work hand in hand to create a network of support that touches countless lives.

Customized headbands and wristbands become symbols of solidarity, illuminating our commitment to making a difference. Every wearable piece of art is a symbol of empowerment! Plus, by participating, your custom art will be shared, bring smiles to children in hospitals and impacting families around the world.

Together we elevate the power of our causes and inspire meaningful change. How can Healing Headbands support your project?


Partnering with schools only brings the joy of creativity to young hearts, fostering a sense of self-expression and empowerment. Through workshops and collaborative efforts, we bridge the gap between art and healing. The art created by students takes on a new purpose as it transforms into Healing Headbands – tangible reminders that they are capable of weaving positivity into their own lives.

In return, schools that collaborate with us enrich their students through art and laughter therapy. The partnership reinforces the values of compassion, resilience, and emotional well-being. Students learn that creativity is not only a means of artistic expression but also a tool for personal growth, kindness toward others, and healing. Empower your students with individualized wristbands or headbands that celebrate positivity. The art created by your students will bloom into a constant reminder of strength, while hospitals receive matching creations for their young patients.


Art is a language that speaks to the soul, transcending boundaries and connecting us on a profound level. Partnering with artists is a beautiful way to infuse our healing mission with creativity. When artists collaborate with us, their artwork take on a new form as wearable art. Customized headbands become not just accessories, but vessels of inspiration, radiating positivity and healing.

In return, artists find a unique platform to share their vision and message. Their art becomes a reminder that beauty and strength emerge from even the most challenging circumstances. Collaborate with us to amplify your message and creativity. Your art will grace your wrist but also become a source of healing inspiration for young patients. Through our partnership, we embark on a journey where art becomes a catalyst for transformation, both for the artist and those who wear their creations.

Sporting Events

Partnering with sporting events aligns our mission with the spirit of perseverance and achievement. At events like marathons or races, participants aren't just challenging themselves for personal goals – they're participating to make a difference. Our customized headbands and wristbands offer a tangible reminder of their commitment to healing and positivity.

In return, these events gain an element of purpose beyond the competition. Our partnership transforms the finish line into a celebration of personal achievements intertwined with a collective cause. Make your event memorable with personalized wristbands or headbands that radiate purpose. Participants will not only carry the essence of your event but also create joy for hospitalized children through matching wearable art. By wearing our headbands or wristbands, participants amplify the message of healing and inspire others to join the movement!


Businesses with a heart for positive change find a way to make an impact beyond profits. Our partnership offers an avenue for corporate social responsibility that goes beyond profits. By collaborating with us, businesses become champions of healing, both within their communities and on a larger scale.

Through hosting an event, businesses showcase their commitment to making the world a better place. Customized headbands and wristbands serve as visible tokens of their dedication to fostering well-being, joy, and resilience. Our joint efforts allow businesses to align their core values with a cause that stands for positive transformation. Craft your personalized wristbands or headbands, becoming a beacon of support for your brand. Consider sponsoring an event that radiates joy and amplifies awareness about our mission; helping support families with children in hospitals.

Art Heals: Brushstrokes of Transformation

Art has an incredible capacity to heal, offering pease and expression to those who create and experience it. Art is a universal language that speaks directly to the heart, a bridge that connects us beyond words. When art takes the form of a tangible object like a Healing Headband, its impact is magnified.

By partnering with us, you become part of a movement where art becomes a conduit for healing with future impact The act of creating and wearing art serves as a reminder that beauty can emerge from pain, that joy can be found even in challenging times. Our partnership embodies the belief that creativity is a catalyst for transformation.

Join the Healing Headbands Partnership Community Today

Are you ready to be a catalyst for positive change? To explore the joy of partnership and collaboration, customized wearables, workshops, and the profound impact of art? We invite you to take the first step toward illuminating lives with healing, joy, and art.

Whether you're a hospital, nonprofit, artist, school, sporting event, business, or an individual who shares our vision, we're excited to connect! Fill out the form below, and let's embark on a journey that uplifts, heals, and inspires.